Link building is one of the aspects of search engine optimization that is very important for you to know in detail to build your website. It’s all about getting the links to your websites to make them more successful and create a demand for your product and services. Few believe that good content and interesting […]
Category: Social Networking
Vagaries Of Adwords Conversion Tracking
While I know conversion tracking is essential if you’re doing any more than using AdWords for 谷歌购物广告优化, there’s no denying it’s not perfect. Here are 3 examples of its imperfection: Analytics “goal” conversion tracking stats will not match the AdWords conversion stats. Why? I don’t know. How much are they off by? I’ve seen it […]
Dating Sites like “eHarmony” Vs. Social Networking to Find Someone
I just received some junk email from eHarmony today peddling their services. It made me wonder, in this day and age if people still use services like eHarmony,, Yahoo! Personals,,, or any other service when you can get a truer sense of what people are really like on social networking sites. The […]
Social Networking Sites Can Endanger Your Job
Social networking sites are the web sensation of this year but many people, in an attempt to up their page views, comments, and wall posts have resorted to a number of questionable tactics. If you are a professional and you are a member of a social networking site then this article is a must read […]
Social Networking Sites
As a general rule, I don’t like Social Networking Sites. The basic structures they tend to be based around don’t suit me and I’ve always felt awkward with communicating in a scattershot way on the internet. Email and instant messaging I’m comfortable with, that is generally one on one communication, but this communicating with many […]