Simply put, Social Media Marketing is “a collection of channels (some refer to them as “tools”) and a collection of processes working together to achieve a specific result”.
These are the most popular channels and you may already be familiar with several. But to determine which channels are best suited to your business, there are a few things that you need to be clear about. For example: what does your business want from social media? Are you seeking to enhance your marketing and brand awareness, or increase sales, or all of the above? Do you want to offer real-time customer services via Facebook and Twitter? Would you benefit from greater knowledge of your industry gained through monitoring online conversations? And of course, we are sure that you could benefit from knowing what your competitor is doing and how they are doing it?
Unlike placing a short-term advertisement in your local press, social media channels are a completely different kettle of fish that requires a long-term commitment where you take help from to make your marketing campaigns more successful. If your strategy is “set it and leave it” then social media is not for you. It requires long-term commitment because, without it, your strategy is nothing more than a flight path without fuel nor landing gear.
So now that you have decided what it is that you want from social media, you need to assess your current position. Questions about your current positions could be: Is your company, product, or service easy to find online? Are you active in all the online places where your target customers hang out? In other words, can they connect with you on their turf? Do you have an easy, automated way to engage them and follow up over time? Do you have a plan to start using mobile phone marketing for your business? If not then why not?. Once you have the answers to those questions then you can include the appropriate channels in your social media strategy
The fact that you are reading this means that you are serious about your online presence and acknowledge that this Social Media “thingy ” is to be embraced because it is growing exponentially and you would like some of it gold dust sprinkled in your direction.
Marketing online is not just another option anymore, it is an essential component. Each week that you don’t take action, your business will find it harder and harder to engage with customers. The internet and the rise of social media have changed our shopping habits and it will continue to do so. Even in these times of austerity, businesses who are leveraging social media and using these marketing channels effectively, create more sales, and are flourishing.
Erik Qualman author of bestseller book How Social Media Transforms the Way We Live and Do Business writes “We don’t have a choice on whether we do Social Media, the question is how well we do it”. If you are interested in reading the book, you can find it by clicking on the link:
Socialnomics: How Social Media Transforms the Way We Live and Do Business
All that said, Social Media is a moving target that is constantly changing. Therefore, strategies should be reviewed regularly to ensure that you are taking advantage of all the latest developments. This places immense pressure on businesses to get it right and to stay one step ahead of their competitors.
At Social Media Fusion you will find a bespoke service that begins with a full marketing assessment of your business, we work with you to develop a social media marketing strategy, we help you to implement it and manage it for you – effectively becoming an extended member of your business.