Simple Solution Tips To Declutter Your Home

It’s one thing to have a messy and cluttered house, but it’s worse if you keep adding to the massive pile. There is hope to declutter by following these simple solutions.

Living Space

Don’t bring home junk like flyers, free magazines, newspaper etc. If you do, the last person who reads it puts it in the recycle bin.

Deal with junk mail immediately. If nothing interests you then it hits the recycling.

File away your paper trail as soon as you’re done with it. If you’re still getting paper bills, stop. Opt for electronic bills and only print it out if necessary.

Designate a small table to put your house keys, spouse’s wallet and cell phone. A smaller table is easier to clean than a dining room table if it becomes cluttered.


Now isn’t the time to be a pack rat. Don’t get in the mind frame that you will need it tomorrow because you won’t. There’s nothing wrong with having two vegetable peelers as it’ll come in handy if there’s another person preparing in the kitchen. Any utensils that don’t work all that well needs to go.

Sort items into keep or donate piles and keep a garbage bag by you for the junk. Unbreakable items you’re giving away can immediately go into a box. Label your boxes if you have fragile items so the collection people can handle it with care. Once you’re done, set up a time for pick up of your boxes.

Keep what you need or will use and this includes items that you only use seasonally like big Christmas platters. All of these items must have a place to be stored. It can’t be stored away in a box, in the basement in the back room.

Look into your cupboards and refrigerator for expired products and discard them.


Throw out any item that has caked on dust, colour change, or any item that has expired. Medication shouldn’t be in the medicine cabinet in the first place as humidity in the bathroom can alter the medication effectiveness. Old prescription medication used for a previous illness should be thrown out.


Give away clothes you haven’t worn in the last year. If they are still in good condition you may want to sell them to a consignment store for some extra cash.

Decluttering your home is not a one day job, but it can be if you avoid the clutter in the first place. Get the family involved in looking after themselves and picking up after their own messes. But if you own a large house and it will be impossible for you to clean all the areas, it is advisable to hire частен домоуправител. This will not only give you quality house management services but you can also save time and effort, hence you can spend your time with your family more.

Post Author: Cora

Cora is a learned individual in these diverse fields and one of the best writers on board. Her style is generic and loved by the readers.