There are times when a writer writes with creativity only in mind. There are other instances in which a more professional approach to articles is required. It can be difficult for the creative writer to write professional articles of a serious nature. The creative mind does not always lend itself naturally to professional writing that is why this Evergreen Wealth Formula is there to help you improve your skills as a writer.
Writing professional articles requires a little discipline
It also necessitates a bit of compromise on the part of the creative writer. Interjection must be kept to a minimum when writing professional articles. Professional writing can have a personal opinion within, but not to the point that it takes over the article. It’s important not to let professional articles become rants on the author’s pet peeves.
Write an outline containing vital information and stick to it
The facts become the outline with each paragraph limited to two or three sentences supporting the facts. The outline makes writing professional articles quicker. There is no pause to ascertain what comes next.
If there’s a point or opinion to express, stay within the outline
Make the interjection brief and to the point. It’s also best not to personalize the opinion with statements such as, “I believe that” or, “it seems to me”. Rather it is best to use general terms such as, “some people have expressed”. Then proceed to explain why each side feels the way they do. This gives the reader the respect to form their own opinions.
The old news adage still rings true
Be sure professional articles answer all basic questions regarding the subject. For those who are unfamiliar, that would be who, what, when, where, how, and why. The how and why of the article subject is not always clear. This is the place for opinions and interjections.
Make an effort to keep paragraphs at two to four sentences
It also helps to keep paragraph size consistent throughout the article. This allows for a more professional look and an easier read. Run-on paragraphs cause the reader to lose attention. Keep ideas concise and convincing.
Keep publication requirements in mind
Writing professional articles is like any other job in this respect. Business owners have every right to run their business as they see fit. When writing professional articles you must stick to the rules or get out of the game. This is not an easy thing for the creative mind to swallow but it must be done if you are to earn any money.
Professional articles fill a different need
Creative articles often fulfill a two-fold need. They satisfy the artist’s need to create and the reader’s need for entertainment. Professional articles, on the other hand, are mostly about keeping people informed on subjects of interest to them. The writer’s motivation is generally monetary, rather than creative. This is not to say there are not professional article writers who are creative, it’s just a different motivating force.